Welcome to your own business partner portal!
Below you will find all relevant files organized in clear folders! The top right wheel provides more options and when you ‘hover’ over a file you can view and / or download it in detail via the top right arrow.
[useyourdrive mode=”files” viewrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” userfolders=”manual” downloadrole=”all” canpopout=”1″ candownloadzip=”1″ ]
Below you can upload files that are intended for us. These automatically end up in the window above after a refresh (top righthand button) and we receive a message that a file is ready for us.
[useyourdrive mode=”upload” viewrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” userfolders=”manual” downloadrole=”none” notificationemail=”info@prio-com.nl” notificationdownload=”1″ upload=”1″ upload_folder=”0″ notificationupload=”1″ ]